Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The most beautiful city,the most beautiful house

First one is the most beautiful city in the world- Vancouver,Canada and the next one is the most beautiful house in the world situated in Barcelona,Spain.

Friday, December 5, 2008


India & Indians both are now shaking with patriotism.But how long the ordinary masses will be able to sustain this feeling is also an important question.It is true that urban indians just concentrate with their well-being not with the well being of rural india.A part of Indians earn so much so that they go for shopping in Singapore,UK,USA,Dubai apart from leading a lavish life in India.In a recent report it has came out that in UK Indians are crossing Japanese in terms of spending on shopping.And on the otherside,there are large number of people in India who are struggling for one square meal in India ,forget the normal standards of living.How much we pay to private school teachers,peon,typist ,clerks in unorganised sector- 1,500 to 3000.In kolkata the rate goes like this,in delhi you add 30-40% more.In mumbai the pay stucture won't be more than this.Now you can understand that the fortune of India is shared by only few percentage of people which is causing unbalance growth in India.Mind it Kasab has joined terrorist group only for 1.5 lacs rupees(you can laugh at that) and many people in kashmir & other naxalite area are taking up arms only for this reason of unequal distribution of wealth. So think ,we need total growth for all people across the society.That M.K.Gandhi ji was advocating: develop your village ,that point Arvind in his book THE WHITE TIGER has raised.The same thing Mr.Ambumani Ramdoss has tried to do when he asked newly passed MBBS to serve its village .Without serving our roots the tree of the nation can't stand for a long.Mind it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This is a story published in Business Standard recently on 14 Nov, which explains how Indian Farmers are made fool by the money - lenders and Bank Managers in some part of UP.After coming out of the article by Vishnu Pandey in the newspaper the manager is absconding and police is working on it as usual .
This story says that why not only loan waiver scheme has failed to work for the poor farmers but also it is working against them .Although they fall in the bracet of loan -waiving scheme but manager is not giving them any benifit. There is a nexus between bank- manager and money-lender.This is our great India where corruption is a way of life.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Indian media should restrain itself while reporting live terror because it ultimately serve the purpose of terrorists only.The live telecast of departure of Late Mr Karkare from his office on fatefull day of 26 for fighting the terrorists might worked as an input for the terrorists to kill these officers.God forbid if this happen to be true then we helped the terrorists to kill our own officers.Media should better learn to behave.If people trust them and respect them then their responsibilites toward the society also get increased.Even in England during underground train attack and in 9/11 in America their media behaved very responsibly while reporting.We should learn from them.The recent piece of article in HT was giving an indication that terrorist were directed to killed our cammandoes while seeing them on Tv.Senior Police officers are also angry over the irresponsible behavior of media.We are teaching others to behave while we are not behaving ourselves.If we don't want govt. on our head as regulator better we should regulate ourselves .


The politician in India are not worried about India but they are worried about their political carrier.This is the first time that comman man in India has shown them the door for their incapacity to deliver,for their incapacity to protect them.When mumbai required them badly non of the politicians across the partyline stood for them not even their chamchacs.It is chaywala,ordinary men in the street,hotel employees in the hotel,hawaldars poorly equiped with lathi only against modern weapons of the terrorits.Not even Rahul baba, the yuvraj of Congress who always brake the securities to meet comman masses.Where he was this time?
Not to say anything about Thackeray & Co.
God save India from these politician.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Why nation is paying tribute to Police & Army including NSG (extended breed of forces) because they haven't sited pretty when the call of duty required them ,they just rushed to the point of attack without bothering that they don't have enough& modern equipment to fight an unequal fight with the terrorists. They just remembered their duty and call of the nation .Thats why millions of Indian people who were not personally known to these great martyrs are crying deeply from their hearts for them.
But politicians like Vilash Rao Deshmukh,R.R Patil & other like Thackeray & Company and any representative of any party you name them ,they were sitting pretty in their home and just expected that let the police & soldiers clean the dust then they will arrive at the scene to act. R.R.Patil don't have the decency to visit the place of action when their men where fighting for the nation ,from commanman to force in their own respective way, to boost the moral of the people that he is also there for the nation when it is required.
The colour of the faces of RR patil, Shivraj ,Vilashrao Deshmukh faded away when their post was either gone for a toss or in danger.Before that they were emerging as a heroes of the war.
I am sure politician at the back must be accusing media for being critical of the visit of R.G.Verma & Ritesh Deshmukh at the destroyed Taj Hotel along with CM Team of Maha Govt.
Actually these people lost the feeling for the nation when they got the chair of power.
Now we don't have a singel politician rather leader who could have the courage to come openly to meet the people when they required .
Even Mr.Ratan Tata was first to visit the Taj Hotel than the CM of Maharastra.Its shows attachment of Mr. Tata to its hotel.
Even TV journalists whoes ages are ranging 24-27 are reporting from the feild without any cover to performe their professional duty and little chaywal ,gurudawar's Sikh youths were serving the forces with their little but not so little effort of providing food & tea,water and performing their duty for the nation.Not a single politician and their chamchas were out to help the nation & its people.


This time terrorists have attacked the business communities and elite classes of India rather I should say the India not Bharat & international communities by hitting Americans,Britisers ,Isralies the impact is going to be many fold. Since the Lok Sabha election is near by so all the political parties will go to Businaess House for chanda.These are awared communities of India who are aware of their rights and can lobby for themselve and can also create pressure group to get their work done.
The real thing will come to Govt. both at the center and state by the business communities then.So congress has appointed the former Finance Minister Mr. P.Chidambaram to face the heat & calm down the business communities as Mr.Chidambaram share a very good rapo.
Let see how much congress's face saving measure will work when we require tough action in order to curbe the terrorism.


The intellectual community in India started blaming Gujrat roits for the terrorist attack in India.As before there was no riots between the two communities in India or during pre- Independent era.
We should sit tightly and required to rationally analyse the situation of muslims in other muslims dominated and muslims ruled countries.Is in Pakistan all the muslims have equal standard of living ? does all the muslims in
bangladesh ,Pakistan enjoy the total freedom,equallity of opputunities and representation? Is women and children are never treated badly and been not killed over there? Does the case of rape of women never registered in their country?
What is the status of muslims in Pak occupied

What is the situation of muslims moved from India to Pakistan during 1947 & little later in Pakistan now? As far as I know they are still treated like outsider in their own Pakistan and are called Muhajir means refuge. (if you have any other information please let me know)

Does any muslim in middle east countries can challenge the rulling authorities over there for slightest critism & forming there own party or govt. is the remotest possibiliteies?

If putting muslims in key post is the criterial of being secular then ask Congrees President to put any muslim in her place? Try to learn respect quality over showoff and symbolic gesture. If any mother treat her child everytime with choclate then the child will always demand the choclate for felling down. Try to tell the child that falling and getting up then moving ahead is the part of learning & leading life. Help muslim to grow in life don’t make them parasite and excusing element.They have lot of potentials to serve the society and country.Help them to do that.
We have muslims like NABAB PADAUTI married to hindu lady Sharmila Tagore w2ho got converted to Islam in oder to marry Mr Padauti , Shahrukh Khan married to HINDU PUNJABI lady GAURI,Millioneries Azim Prem ji ,Mohd. Azaharruddin,the great cricketer married to againg hindu lady Sangeeta Brijlani,Shabana Azmi,Javed Akhtar,Irfan Pathan,President of India A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Azad,Kushbu Mirza,team member of Chandrayaan,Salman Khan, his mother is a hindu lady converted into islam,Amir Khan who twicely married to two Hindu lady only-Kiran & Rina. Saif Ali Khan married to again Hindu lady Amrita Singh,divorsed now dating Kareena Kapoor.Politician Farooq Abdulla's Son Mr. Omaar Abdulla married to Neelam,a hindu lady. Mr. Farooq's daughter & MR. Omaar's sister Sara(if correct in recalling the name) Abduula is married to Sachin Piolet ,a hindu young congress politician.Suzan Khan married to Hritick Roshan,super star of bollywood.The great musician of today is Mr.A.R.Rehaman who is originally a hindu converted into Islam in oder to pursue his faith.Still in India his conversion has not effected his carrier.Can anyone in Pakistan or Bangladesh think of conversion and can lead normal life?The list is endless you won't be able to count it.
Why Mr. APJ Kalam was not been given chance to serve the country again when every Indian was loving him for his love for kids and work & honesty? Only congress & other politician can answer?
What other muslims country has done to their non – muslim citizen?is any non -muslims are able to raise questions of human right violation in muslim counties? Is there is any Testa Shetalwad for refuge Kashmiri Pandits? Are not hindu womens were raped after the demolision of Babri Masjid in Kolkata, Mumbai & in
India where muslims are dominated and in Pakistan & Bangladesh? Don't they deserve Human Rights' Justice?
Please wakeup that human nature is to fight & dominate either in the name of caste, cread, culture, religion etc.Discrimination exist everywhere , only the degree varry.But nation come first.So try to be united in the name of OUR Country- INDIA above all politicts.Stop poisioning the mind of muslims.Help them to lead their life normally. Pak is using young guys of POK & their own to settel down scores with
India because India is coming up as economic giant in Asia & whole world.